Perfect Camera Exposures are the
Beginning of Great Photographs
This easy photography guide teaches you How to Meter Light,
so you will get perfect photographic exposures with any type
of camera, digital or film. Click the Buy Now button
... download and start learning right away. New low price!
- Great For Digital or Film Camera Users
For Color or B&W - Very easy to understand, non techie language
- Learn Metering, the Histogram & Middle Gray for Perfect Exposures
- You'll finally understand what your camera is thinking!
Get eBook Now for under $10
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Your Photography
OK, this is important. You probably didn't get into photography to do techie photo stuff. You pictured having more fun with your camera, and getting beautiful photographs.
Lots of new or intermediate photographers get discouraged because their pictures don't look like they expected or hoped them to look. And worse, they don't know why. They're too dark or too light, but why? Usually, it's poor exposure.
It's a common problem and that is exactly WHY I wrote this book; to answer your "why?" and help you understand how to get good exposures so you can concentrate on making great photographs.
It's Easy to Learn
The lessons I teach are actually pretty easy! Anyone can get it, even a beginner. This is the metering & exposure lesson that every photographer, beginner, enthusiasts or pro should know to have a good foundation technically.
You will learn quickly!
This photography/exposure guide will not take loads of time to read and understand. It is written in a way that's easy to understand (even beginners) and complete enough to satisfy enthusiasts (and yes, even some pro's that have read it).
Film Camera Users
The lesson of middle gray and metering light is so important, if not critical, to film users. It's fundamental to success. I teach various metering lessons that will help you get perfect exposures and not waist precious film.
Digital Camera Users
Digital camera users can take advantage of every concept in this book. Metering for good exposures with the histogram and middle gray work together for amazing control of your photographs.
It's Universal - works with almost all types of photography or cameras
You can apply these concepts to any kind of photography. Portraits, landscape, black & white, color, pinhole photography, or toy cameras, it doesn't matter. You will get great exposures.
Yep, we'll say it again, It's Easy
So many people who read this book are surprised how simple the concept is to get great looking photographs at will. Even the editors that edited this book said "you're kidding, it's that easy?"

About The Author
Master street photographer John Strazza has been behind a camera for over 45 years. If you want to see some of his masterful photographs just go to
Strazza's masterful works sell to collectors on a regular basis. His fine prints have grown popularity around the world as they find there way into homes and museums.
John has written many articles on the artistic and technical aspects of photography. He sometimes shares concern over "green teachers" with little experience who only read about things and then try to teach. He has found "experts" information to be way off base. This guide is made from years of real experience by a true master and will set you on a good path technically speaking.
What Others Are Saying About Finding Middle Gray, the Perfect Exposure Guide
Just finished reading this from beginning to end, and I wish I had it when I started! Well-written, thought out, and easy to understand. When I have a question, it is answered in the next paragraph. Great!
Brian Ach, NYC, Top Celebrity Photographer -
Your book is a little gem! Congrats.
Proper exposure has always been the technical hinge pin of photography and you have done an excellent job of explaining what the camera records.
I certainly agree with your assessment of the incident meter and ... the histogram is the best thing since peanut butter.
Nick Zungoli, Premier Landscape Photographer, Hudson Valley, NY
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